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All that glitters

Writer inserts fake link into script to annoy overworked video director

Woodville residents were shocked this morning to find that a resident has attempted to scam one of this country’s Living Treasures, Mr P O’Brien of Featherston North.

Mr O’Brien earlier this week at Radio New Zealand

Mr O’Brien has been under increasing pressure to deliver video content for the Wellington Gold Awards and had been waiting for scripts to be sent through by a work-experience kid.

“Finally, one arrived and I was hoping to claw back some of my backlog,” Mr O’Brien told WWNews. “But it contained a link to this page and it’s wasting my valuable time.”

Although not prone to fits of rage or violence, Mr O’Brien said he would be sending an angry text “when all this is over”.

Artist’s impression of scriptwriter and assistant

The prankster, believed to be on the run from debt collectors and angry commenters on an Australian gossip website, refused to be interviewed. In a statement, he said he had been stuck for a whizz-bang 20 word ending and decided to take the frustration he was feeling out on the world “but mainly Phil.”

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