The Prime Minister of New Zealand and inspiration to us all, John Keys, has announced that he will restrict the number of photographs he appears in to “the ones that rilly metter”.
“Actually, it’s quite a tough job running a country,” he told WWNews on condition there was no film in the company Instamatic. “Into the ground. And if I posed for every photo that somebody asked me to, I’d simply run out of time to keep the economy turning over.”
“In its grave,” Mr Keys added.
Mr Keys says he expects to limit his photocalls to those that will promote New Zealand’s image as a clean, green Pacific Paradise run by a man with the nation’s interests at heart. “And if that doesn’t work, I’ll snuggle up to a few celebs so we can at least get on the Intertainment Pages,” he smiled.
The PM has ruled out taking part in photo sessions with other World Leaders as he admits that hasn’t been too successful in the past.
Staying with Politics and the Minister of Finance Bill Birch no that was the last lot Bill English has said New Zealand’s rockstar economy has been downgraded to a busker doing old Steeleye Span songs one. Although, Mr English points out, the guitar still has all its strings. And some of the coins in the hat are real.
To the weather now, and the outlook for Christmas is gloomy with frequent outbreaks of Royal Guardsmen along with bogus radar sightings of a sleigh and reindeer occurring on wireless sets across the country.
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