In what’s become an annual event, it’s the end of the year.
To see it out, or through, the WWNews editorial team has turned no stone to uncover the major events of 2023, opting instead to make stuff up.
There are ten questions with multiple-choice answers. Some answers are less incorrect than others. Points are awarded for reading the question through to the end.
Fingers on buzzers, no conferring, your time starts now. Okay, now. Come on, what’s the hold up?
Well done, you passed! Or in NZHeraldspeak, you past.
A prize will be delivered shortly, but first we need your credit card details to um.. er.. validate something. Or other. Just send them, it’ll be okay, honest.
Well done, you didn’t pass as well as those who actually achieved a passing score, but a participation certificate is better than nothing. You can glue it to the windscreen of your tractor.
#1. What is the most likely outcome of the National, Act and NZFirst coalition’s first 100 days in charge?
Not quite right, or possibly entirely correct but your answer does not fit our narrative.
#2. What have been the major achievements of the Groundswell movement in rural NZ in 2023
Sorry. That’s what they claim to have achieved. What they actually achieved was to annoy the WWNews editorial team beyond belief.
#3. “Winston is a great fit in the Coalition” said Christopher Luxon. What did he mean?
Some answers are right
While others are wrong
And today you chose badly
#4. How has the National Party demonstrated its commitment to the NZ rail network?
Oh come on, they’ve sold it off three times already
#5. Did any team of elite NZ athletes, paid for by taxpayers and consumers, win anything of note in 2023?
Altruism, look it up.
#6. What was the key point of Nicola Willis’s minier than mini budget?
Sorry, but you can’t keep Winston away from the media.
#7. Suggesting someone is not truthful or accurate, but is malicious and a member of a gang of thugs can result in what?
Apology? Chortle guffaw
#8. How does the new government plan to address climate change?
#9. In March, what was reported in a hospital in New Zealand for the first time ever?
Really. Rabies. First case ever. And not involving Winston and a reporter.
#10. The Queenstown District Council issued a boil water notice in September, for why?
Cryptosporidium – you can catch it from filthy bitcoin.
Scored badly again, c’est la vie!
Thanks Doug
Well done! Certicate’s in the mail.