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Sovereign citizenship takes off in Villedale

The number of people claiming sovereign citizenship rights in the Villedale community continues to grow, according to a study commissioned by the Villedale Mental Health Support Group and published on their TikTok page overnight.

In fact, a new group, calling themselves Coalition Of Independent Thinkers Under Siege, has just been formed, bringing together a number of sovereign citizens, a few flat earthers, some flat-earth anti-vaxers and a vegan tinfoil supplier under a single umbrella, made unsurprisingly of tinfoil.

The new group is yet to hold regular meetings, citing difficulties in finding an available venue not closer than 5 km to a power pylon or cellular tower that’s free on every third Sunday of the month, but already has compiled a large dossier on war criminals in the Villedale district.  

Villedale’s sovereign citizen movement will get their message out there organisers hope.

“These people have committed crimes and must pay,” group organiser Annie Nummiss told WWNews on condition of total anonymity and a donation. “They know what they’ve done, we know what they’ve done, and when the time is right we will reveal all, once we’ve sorted the YoutubeMax subscription.”

Ms Nummiss would not be drawn (or photographed) on the nature of any crimes, except that “MPs setting fire to protesters on Parliament Grounds, which I have on video, is just the tip of the iceberg”.  Icebergs are doing all right, Ms Nummis added, “despite what those climate alarmists say.  They’re on our list too.”

Anyone interested in joining the group should contact Ms Nummis through “the usual channels”.  Sovereign citizen certificates and official-looking badges will be available soon, sourced from the UK at a cost of £0.95. “We couldn’t charge a full quid, in all honesty,” Ms Nummis explained.

Propelled largely by a belief in global conspiracies and that lizard people are running the media and takeaway coffee carts, the Sovereignty movement continues to attract interest particularly among the poor, dispossessed and dentally challenged, according to social studies researcher Barton de Uthahend. “Some people are feeling that their voices are not being heard by those in power,” he said.  “And although those it’s probably because those voices are squeaky, they are becoming loud enough to be annoying.”

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